110 E. Schiller Street, Suite 320, Elmhurst, IL 60126

Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC312-605-4041


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How to Address Mental Illnesses During an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on July 26, 2024 in Divorce

Elmhurst, IL divorce attorneyWhile getting a divorce can be a long, difficult process in any situation, it can become even more complicated if a spouse has a mental illness. If a person is receiving treatment for mental health issues, has undiagnosed conditions, or needs to address concerns related to medical care, a couple may need to determine how to handle a variety of legal and financial issues during their divorce. Understanding how mental illnesses may affect a couple and their children can be crucial, and an attorney with experience handling these concerns can provide invaluable legal help in these situations.

Types of Mental Illnesses That May Need to Be Addressed During a Divorce

People may be affected by a variety of different conditions that can impact their mental health and their daily lives. Divorcing spouses may need to address conditions such as:

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What Unmarried Parents Need to Know About Child Custody Issues

 Posted on July 13, 2024 in Child Custody

DuPage County, IL parenting plan lawyerRaising a child can be challenging for any couple. When parents are married or living together in a committed relationship, they can work together to meet their child’s needs, dividing household responsibilities, sharing various expenses, and handling day-to-day child care. When parents break up, they may no longer be in a romantic relationship, but they must still share the responsibilities of raising their children. When parents are married, they can address child custody issues during the divorce process, but unmarried parents may encounter some unique legal concerns as they determine how to share custody of their children.

Understanding the legal aspects of child custody is crucial following the breakup of an unmarried couple with children. Parents must take steps to protect their rights and determine what solutions will provide for their children’s best interests. An experienced attorney can help parents address these complex legal matters. At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, we provide our clients with dedicated legal representation to ensure that they understand their rights and their options for resolving disputes. Our goal is to help our clients create legally valid parenting agreements that will provide for their children’s needs for years to come.

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What You Need to Know About Uncontested Divorce in Illinois

 Posted on June 22, 2024 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerThe end of a marriage can be difficult for everyone involved. When a couple’s relationship has broken down, spouses often struggle to be civil with each other, and they may encounter arguments and conflict as they address issues related to their separation.

As a couple proceeds with the divorce process, they have several options for addressing and resolving the legal issues in their case. For many couples, uncontested divorce may be the most beneficial way to dissolve their marriages. Understanding what an uncontested divorce entails, the issues that need to be addressed, and the methods that may be used to resolve conflict can help ensure that a couple can end their marriage successfully.

While an uncontested divorce can provide a straightforward and amicable path to ending your marriage, it is important to take steps to protect your rights and your financial interests during this process. An experienced attorney at Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC can advise you on the legal issues that you will need to address, the steps that will be followed during the divorce process, and the best ways to resolve disputes as you negotiate a divorce settlement. A skilled lawyer can make sure all legal issues will be addressed correctly while advocating for solutions that meet your needs in the years to come.

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How Can Public Figures Maintain Confidentiality in a Divorce?

 Posted on June 12, 2024 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL divorce attorney for public figuresThe divorce process can be complex and difficult for anyone, but for public figures such as celebrities, prominent business executives, and couples who have a high net worth, the stakes can be even higher. In these situations, maintaining confidentiality can be crucial to protect the personal lives and reputations of a couple. At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, our experienced divorce attorneys understand the unique concerns that divorcing spouses may face in these situations. With our experience representing clients in complex divorce cases, we can help determine the best ways to resolve divorce-related issues while keeping these sensitive matters out of the public eye.

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What Stay-at-Home Parents Need to Know When Getting Divorced

 Posted on May 26, 2024 in Divorce

Elmhurt, IL divorce lawyerThere are many reasons why couples choose to get divorced, including disagreements over finances, conflicting parenting styles, or general incompatibility. While divorce can be difficult for anyone, stay-at-home parents are likely to face some unique concerns related to their finances, the custody of their children, and other issues. Understanding the best ways to address and resolve these issues is crucial, and an experienced attorney can provide invaluable guidance to ensure that the divorce process can be completed successfully.

At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, we provide effective legal representation for stay-at-home parents who are going through divorce. We can fully evaluate a couple’s situation and determine what steps need to be taken to ensure that a parent will have sufficient financial resources after ending the marriage, and we can also help address issues related to a couple’s children, ensuring that their ongoing needs will be met. We provide compassionate legal help while advocating on behalf of our clients to make sure they will be positioned for success after completing the divorce process.

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How to Address Property Division Issues in a High Asset Divorce

 Posted on May 16, 2024 in Division of Assets

Elmhurst, IL divorce lawyerWhile divorce can be a complex, difficult process for anyone, couples who have a high net worth will face additional complexities related to their property, finances, and other aspects of their personal and professional lives. During a high asset divorce, a couple will need to determine how to evaluate and divide substantial and diverse assets. Understanding how to address these issues correctly is crucial, and with the help of an attorney, a person can take steps during divorce to safeguard his or her financial future. 

At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, our experienced lawyers provide invaluable legal guidance for spouses with substantial assets who are going through divorce. We work with our clients to evaluate all financial issues that will affect them during the divorce process and after their cases are complete. We advise them on the best ways to resolve disputes they may encounter, and we advocate for solutions that will protect their financial interests and provide them with the resources they need to maintain their lifestyles. Our goal is to resolve divorce-related issues efficiently and effectively while protecting our clients’ rights at all times.

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Can Restrictions Be Placed on Parents in Child Custody Cases?

 Posted on April 24, 2024 in Child Custody

DuPage County, IL child custody lawyersIn child custody cases, the most important consideration is the safety, health, and well-being of the children involved. Courts often face the delicate task of balancing parental rights with the need to protect children from potential harm. If there are any concerns about children’s safety and well-being, parents may wonder whether any restrictions can be placed on child custody. In Illinois family law cases, there are some situations where restrictions may be appropriate, and these restrictions must be applied carefully to ensure they serve the children's best interests.

The attorneys of Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC provide legal guidance and representation in cases involving potential restrictions on child custody. We can help parents understand when these restrictions may be appropriate, and we advocate for solutions that will protect their children’s best interests. Whether a parent is seeking restrictions because they are concerned about their children’s safety and well-being, or a parent needs to respond to allegations of behavior that could put their children at risk and affect their parental rights, we can provide effective legal representation while working to resolve cases effectively.

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How Can Parents Protect Children During the Divorce Process?

 Posted on April 11, 2024 in Child Custody

DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerMany people who are going through a divorce focus on how they will be affected, and they will want to take steps to protect their rights and ensure that they can move forward successfully after ending their marriage. However, parents will face additional concerns related to their children during the divorce process. It is important to protect children from the fallout of divorce and take steps to address both their physical needs and their emotional well-being. When addressing issues related to child custody, parents will want to determine how they can establish a positive co-parenting framework while also taking steps to shield their children from potential harm.

At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, our attorneys understand the ways children may be affected by divorce, and we work with our clients to resolve child custody issues and other related concerns effectively. We help our clients focus on protecting the best interests of their children, and we work to reach agreements that will allow for ongoing cooperation between parents as they raise their children together.

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7 Steps You Can Take to Defuse Conflict During Your Divorce

 Posted on March 27, 2024 in Divorce

Elmhurst, IL divorce lawyerGetting a divorce is inherently challenging. When your marriage has broken down, you are likely to experience a variety of difficult emotions, such as anger, sadness, betrayal, and anxiety about the future. At the same time, you may be overwhelmed by the many legal, financial, and practical issues that you will need to address as you separate from your spouse, establish new living arrangements, determine how to share custody of your children, and divide your marital property. Conflict with your spouse about the causes of your divorce, issues involving your property and children, and other divorce-related concerns can make this process even more difficult.

To ensure that you will be able to address all legal issues related to your divorce, separate from your spouse successfully, and move forward with your life, you will likely want to consider how you can reduce conflict and focus on completing the divorce process. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. When you are struggling to get a handle on all of the issues you will need to address while coping with the changes you are experiencing in your life, it can be all too easy for arguments to arise and grow into major conflicts. By understanding the best approach to take during your divorce, you can attempt to reduce conflict and resolve legal and financial issues successfully.

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What Are the Unique Issues Involved in a Gray Divorce in Illinois?

 Posted on March 12, 2024 in Divorce

Blog ImageDivorce at any stage of life will involve a variety of challenges. However, for those who are going through a "gray divorce" – a term used to describe divorces involving spouses over the age of 50 – the issues can be particularly complex and multifaceted. If you are facing the prospect of a gray divorce, understanding the unique financial, emotional, and legal challenges you will need to address will be crucial, and it can ensure that you will be able to make informed decisions and set the stage for a secure future. At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, our experienced divorce attorneys can help ensure that you will be prepared to address and resolve financial concerns, legal issues, and other matters that may arise during your case.

Understanding Gray Divorce

In the 21st century, there is an increasing trend of older couples, often with long-lasting marriages, deciding to part ways. Spouses who are over the age of 50 will often face unique challenges that differ significantly from those encountered by younger divorcing couples. They may need to address concerns related to financial security, retirement planning, and long-term health care considerations, among other factors that may affect them when ending a marriage that has lasted many years or multiple decades.

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