110 E. Schiller Street, Suite 320, Elmhurst, IL 60126

Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC312-605-4041


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When Do Parents Need to Establish Paternity in Illinois?

 Posted on December 16, 2022 in Parentage

DuPage County Paternity LawyerTraditionally, families have consisted of two married parents of the opposite sex who share one or more children. However, even though this type of "nuclear family" may be thought of as the default situation, it is becoming less and less common in the United States. Many couples build lives together and have children without getting married. Married couples may get divorced and remarried, and people may have children with multiple different married or unmarried partners. When adding issues such as same-sex relationships and single parenthood into the mix, it can seem like there are endless different types of family configurations. 

Regardless of how a family is structured, it can be important to establish and safeguard the legal relationships between parents and children. While this may not be an issue for parents who are married when their child is born, parents in other situations may need to take steps to establish paternity. This can provide benefits for the child as well as the parents. However, the procedures followed in these cases are not always clear, especially if disputes arise between parents about the identity of a child's father or the role that each parent should play in the child's life.

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Why Did Pam and Tommy Divorce?

 Posted on December 07, 2022 in Divorce

elmhurst divorce lawyerPamela Anderson and Tommy Lee's marriage was one of the most high-profile
celebrity unions of the 1990s. The couple, who married in 1995 after a
whirlwind four-day courtship, were together for three years before their
divorce in 1998. But why did Pamela and Tommy get divorced?

The couple's split was primarily attributed to a domestic violence incident in
February 1998. Lee was arrested for spousal abuse after leaving Anderson with
bruises, a torn fingernail, and fear for the safety of her two sons. Lee
pleaded no contest to the spousal abuse charges against him and was sentenced
to six months in the Los Angeles County jail. Anderson filed for divorce
shortly after the incident and requested custody of their sons.

Despite the domestic violence incident, the couple attempted reconciliation
after Lee was released from jail. Anderson spoke about their reunion on a May
1999 appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, saying: "Tommy and I are
back together, working our family out. We're doing really well, and our
children are happy." However, the accord did not last forever, and the couple
split for the second time in 2001.

In 2008, Anderson and Lee tried for the third time at romantic bliss, but it
wasn't their last attempt at getting back together. The former spouses split
for good in 2010.

Though the sex-tape scandal undoubtedly stressed the stars' marriage, it
was not actually the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. It was a
case of domestic violence that rang the death knell for Pam and Tommy.
Unfortunately, it was a case of domestic violence that ultimately led to the
end of their marriage.

Today, both Anderson and Lee have moved on with their lives. Anderson is now
single after splitting from husband Dan Hayhurst in 2021, while Lee is married
to former Vine star Brittany Furlan. Though their marriage ended in divorce,
the couple still share two sons, Brandon Thomas Lee and Dylan Jagger Lee.

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What Spouses With a High Net Worth Need to Know About Divorce

 Posted on November 23, 2022 in Divorce

Elmhurst Family Law AttorneyThe divorce process can be long, complicated, and expensive for any couple. However, cases can become especially complex when a couple has a high net worth, including situations where one or both spouses have a high income, where they own valuable assets, or where either spouse has significant family wealth. If you are currently going through a divorce or are considering ending your marriage, and you need to address issues related to large assets or significant income earned by either spouse, there are some things you need to keep in mind. By taking the right approach during your divorce, you can protect your financial interests, minimize complications and expenses, and come out the other side of your case prepared to meet your needs in the future.

The team at Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC has extensive experience representing clients in multiple types of divorce cases, including those involving couples with a high net worth. We understand the unique considerations and challenges that affect couples in these situations, and we have the knowledge and experience needed to help you handle financial issues effectively. Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome, whether that means negotiating a divorce agreement that takes your unique circumstances into account, working with forensic accountants to value assets and determine appropriate distributions, or representing you in litigation if necessary.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Post-Divorce Modifications in Illinois

 Posted on November 11, 2022 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerGetting through the divorce process can be difficult for everyone involved. Spouses will need to address multiple details related to their finances and property, and in addition to determining how to divide marital property fairly, they will also need to make sure they will be able to meet their needs going forward. Parents who get divorced will need to make decisions about the custody of their children, and child support orders will be put in place. Addressing all of these issues and resolving the various disputes that may arise can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive. Because of this, those who complete the divorce process are usually ready to put these matters behind them and move forward with their lives. However, in the years following a divorce, questions may arise about whether the orders put in place in family court can be modified. 

If you have experienced changes in your life after finalizing your divorce, you will likely have many questions about what types of modifications you can request and the procedures you will need to follow in these cases. The attorneys of Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC can answer any questions you may have about these issues, and we will inform you of your rights and advise you on how to proceed as you request a modification. We will provide you with representation in court hearings, and we will advocate on your behalf to ensure that your rights and your children's best interests will be protected in any modifications that the court puts in place.

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What Steps Will Couples Follow When Settling a Divorce Amicably?

 Posted on October 27, 2022 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerWhen preparing for divorce, many couples get ready for significant conflict, and they may resign themselves to having difficult arguments about issues such as their finances, the property they own, their living situations, and their children. However, a divorce does not have to be full of anger and animosity, and in some cases, a couple may agree that since ending their marriage is best for everyone involved, they will work together to complete the divorce process with minimal conflict. 

An amicable, uncontested divorce may seem like an ideal solution that will allow legal issues to be addressed and resolved quickly and effectively. However, couples will still need to be aware of the procedures that must be followed in these cases, as well as the steps they can take to avoid potential problems that may arise in the future. Even though a couple may be looking to minimize expenses and resolve matters outside of court, it is a good idea for each spouse to have their own attorney who will represent their interests, address potential legal issues, and help them complete the divorce process effectively.

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How Can Mental Health Issues Affect Decisions About Child Custody?

 Posted on October 20, 2022 in Child Custody

DuPage County Child Custody LawyerLegal matters related to child custody can become very complex from both an emotional and a legal standpoint. When parents choose to get a divorce, or when unmarried parents decide to end their relationship, they will need to make many decisions about how they will work together to raise their children, where children will live most of the time, when children will spend time with each parent, how various expenses will be handled, and multiple other issues. When a case involves mental health issues, these decisions can become even more complicated. 

If a parent has a mental illness, a substance abuse problem, or another serious issue that might affect their ability to care for their child, the court may consider these factors when making a custody determination. When mental health issues are involved in a case, parents must consider what is in the best interests of their children while also ensuring they are prepared to address their own needs and concerns. 

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How Is Business Ownership Addressed During a Divorce?

 Posted on September 30, 2022 in Division of Assets

elmhurst divorce lawyerGetting a divorce can be a difficult process, regardless of the situation surrounding the end of a couple's marriage. However, there are some issues that can complicate the divorce process, and if they are not handled correctly, a case can become much longer, more drawn-out, and more expensive. Financial concerns related to the division of marital property can often lead to contentious disputes, and this is especially true in situations involving business ownership. Whether divorcing spouses own a business together, a spouse owned a business before getting married, either spouse has an ownership share in a family business, or a couple owns multiple types of business interests, it is important to understand how these assets will be addressed during the divorce process.

The law firm of Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC provides experienced, dedicated representation during complex divorce cases. We understand the challenges that can arise when dividing business interests during divorce, and we work diligently to protect the rights and interests of our clients throughout the divorce process. We can work with financial experts to ensure that business assets are valued properly, and we will advise our clients on the solutions that will protect their financial interests going forward.

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When Can a Person Be Held in Contempt in a Divorce or Family Law Case?

 Posted on September 19, 2022 in Family Law

DuPage County Contempt of Court LawyerIn family law cases, the parties involved will often find themselves at odds with one another. Multiple types of contentious disagreements can arise, and a couple going through a divorce or parents who need to address issues related to child custody may ask a family court judge to make decisions and issue orders detailing how certain matters should be handled. However, conflicts may still continue even after a judge makes these decisions, and one party may accuse the other of violating the court's orders or failing to meet their requirements or obligations. In these situations, one party may ask that the other be held in contempt of court.

Addressing contempt in family law cases can often be a complex matter. A person who is charged with contempt may face serious consequences, and they will usually be looking to show that they did not commit the alleged violations. The other party will usually need to provide compelling evidence showing that willful violations of court orders occurred. To ensure that these matters will be addressed correctly, it is crucial to be represented by an attorney who has experience addressing contempt and other complex family law issues. At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, we regularly represent clients in complex divorce and family law cases. We can help you understand your rights and options, and we will work to ensure that these issues can be resolved successfully.

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Weiss-Kunz and Oliver Attorneys Attend the Annual AAML Gala

 Posted on August 31, 2022 in Uncategorized

Weiss-Kunz-Gala-Photo-for-Blog.JPGOn August 27, 2022, Maxine Weiss Kunz and Amanda Oliver were proud to be able to attend the annual Gala of the Illinois chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). The event took place on the Anita Dee II, which set sail from DuSable Harbor in Chicago around 7:30 p.m. The weather was perfect, and wonderful food was served, including a taco bar and vegetarian options. Since the event had not been held during the past two years due to the Covid pandemic, everyone aboard was glad to be able to mingle and network with each other, dance, and enjoy themselves.

The event had a great turnout, with the majority of judges from Cook County and DuPage County attending. Many judges from Lake County were also in attendance, as well as numerous other family law professionals, including 604.10 child custody evaluators. Judge Regina Scannicchio of Cook County's Domestic Relations division gave a wonderful speech. Attorney Steven Lake accepted the Samuel S. Berger Award on behalf of the late Alan Toback. When he spoke about his partner of more than 30 years, everyone in attendance was moved when he broke down and could not speak.

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How Are Disputes Over Spousal Support Handled in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on August 10, 2022 in Spousal Maintenance/Alimony

DuPage County Divorce AttorneyThe end of a marriage will involve many different financial issues. Since couples will typically combine their finances while they are married, they will both need to determine how they will be able to meet their needs on their own after their divorce. However, this can sometimes be difficult, especially if one spouse has been the primary or sole income earner for their family, and the other spouse has less work experience, is a stay-at-home parent, or will be unable to fully support themselves for other reasons. 

Spousal support, also called spousal maintenance or alimony, may be an issue in a divorce case when one spouse has been financially dependent on the other during the marriage. However, the issue of spousal support can lead to contentious disputes during the divorce process. One spouse may believe that they deserve to receive support, while the other may be unhappy about the prospect of making regular payments to their ex-spouse, and they may be concerned about how this will affect their ability to meet their own ongoing needs. When addressing this issue, it is important to understand how Illinois law determines when a spouse may be eligible to receive spousal maintenance and how long support will be paid.

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